The Flint Hills Regional Council received a Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment Grant to fund an environmental conditions and long-range planning study. The Flint Hills Regional Council then awarded the City of Manhattan a portion of the grant to study the area generally described as south downtown. The study doesn't require any tax dollars. The grant provides funding for voluntary property site assessments, analysis of existing conditions, and future-oriented community planning activities. Property owners can choose to take part in the study or not. And there is no ramifications or punishments for those properties that are included in the study.
Pottawatomie Courthouse Reuse Plan 2022

The County of Pottawatomie has secured the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of the Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technical Assistance Program to develop site reuse plans for the historic Pottawatomie County Courthouse located at 105 Main Street in Westmoreland, Kansas. The intent of the technical assistance is to understand the feasibility of reusing the existing building and site, identify potential issues and constraints that might exist, and outline next steps for the reuse strategy.

EPA Brownfield Coalition Grant 2018-2021
Junction City & Manhattan Area Plans / Individual Property Owner Environmental Assessments
Junction City & Manhattan Area Plans
Manhattan Plaza West Area Plan

Northeast Junction City Area Plan

100% EPA Funded
$600,000 Grant Award
- Evaluating Existing Conditions
- Market Analysis
- Planning
- Attaining Recommendations
Individual Property Owner
Environmental Assessments
- 100 Site Nominations
- 100 Eligibility Determinations
- 22 Phase I Environmental Assessments
- 10 Phase II Environmental Assessments
Counties Benefitting with ESA I & II So Far
- Geary County
- Lyon County
- Pottawatomie County
- Riley County
- Wabaunsee County
Open to All Jurisdictions within FHRC Service Area